Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DC and beyond!:)

It is so hard to believe I only arrived here in DC a week ago!! This week has been filled with lots of logistical meetings and introductions to the four classes I will be taking this semester. The group I am with is made up of 30 wonderful students with hometowns and colleges all across the United States and throughout the world. It has been such an amazing experience learning about the origins of my program, SIT and the three countries I'll be visiting (Vietnam, South Africa, and Brazil). I have begun to learn to expect the unexpected. Things can change very easily on this trip because we have many guest speakers and outside spectators that can alter the timing and the flow of our very detailed class schedule. A typical class day starts at 9 and goes until about 5; much different than my normal everyday life back at school. We do get a 1.5 hour lunch break which is a definite plus though even though we do have to navigate the streets of DC during an always very busy lunch hour!:)
I have begun to realize how many questions that are unanswerable throughout all of the areas I will be visiting including here in DC. This includes looking deeper into the foundations and theories behind health system constructs. Is globalization helping or hurting underdeveloped countries? How do social inequalities affect ones lifespan? Does conservation play a positive role in globalization? These questions are a few of the many that will be further analyzed throughout the semester as I make my way across the world. 
I am so excited for this wonderful opportunity. The experiences I have had have been wonderful!! I even was able to go on a run by the White House!!:) I have  begun to realize how truly privileged I am to be with such a wonderful group of people on a program such as this! I am so grateful to be able to learn more and more about what I love each and everyday. Hard to believe I will be in Vietnam in less than two weeks! 
I hope all is well with everyone!!:) Please feel free email me at; I would love to hear how everything is going!:) 

Hillary =)

"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind" -C.S Lewis

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